Project Management Questions and Answer

It took only ____ years for 50 million people to use the Internet compared to 25 years for 50 million people to use telephones.

a. three
b. five
c. seven
d. nine

Answer: five

____ means the project's processes and products meet written specifications.

a. Conformance to requirements
b. Fitness for use
c. Quality conformance
d. Documentation matching

Answer: Conformance to requirements

____ includes identifying which quality standards are relevant to the project and how to satisfy those standards.

a. Performing quality assurance
b. Performing quality control
c. Checking quality
d. Planning quality

Answer: Planning quality

____ involves periodically evaluating overall project performance to ensure that the project will satisfy the relevant quality standards.

a. Performing quality assurance
b. Performing quality control
c. Checking quality
d. Planning quality

Answer: Performing quality assurance

___ is the degree to which a system performs its intended function.

a. Reliability
b. Performance
c. Maintainability
d. Functionality

Answer: Functionality

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