You are managing a project with an EV of $15,000, PV of $12,000, and AC of $11,000. How would you BEST describe this project?

You are managing a project with an EV of $15,000, PV of $12,000, and AC of $11,000. How would you BEST describe this project?

A. The project is ahead of schedule and within its budget.

B. The project is behind schedule and within its budget.

C. The project is ahead of schedule and over its budget.

D. The project is behind schedule and over is budget.

Answer: SPI = EV/PV = 15000/12000 = 1.25 > 1 so we're ahead of schedule. CPI = EV/AC = 15000/11000 = 1.36 > 1 ($1.36 in value for every dollar spend) so we're within our budget. (A)

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