A project manager is appointed to head a highly technical project in an area with which this person has limited familiarity. The project manager delegates the processes of Develop schedule, Estimate Costs, Define Activities, and Estimate Activity Resources to various project team members, and basically serves as an occasional referee and coordinator of activities. The results of this approach are likely to be:

A project manager is appointed to head a highly technical project in an area with which this person has limited familiarity. The project manager delegates the processes of Develop schedule, Estimate Costs, Define Activities, and Estimate Activity Resources to various project team members, and basically serves as an occasional referee and coordinator of activities. The results of this approach are likely to be:

A. A team functioning throughout the project at a very high level, demonstrating creativity and commitment
B. A team that initially experiences some amounts of confusion, but that after a period of time becomes a cohesive and effective unit
C. A team that is not highly productive, but that stays together because of the work environment created by the project manager
D. A team that is characterized by poor performance, low morale, high levels of conflict and high turnover

Answer D 

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